Don Webb

Dear Staff,

Thank you ever so much for providing such kind, patient and compassionate care for my father, Jack Webb, during the final few weeks of his life.

It is unfortunate that you never saw him when he was full of life, for had you seen the man who raised me you would have seen a very different man than the one who often taxed your good will and strained your patience. Please know that even in doing so he deeply appreciated your care and that my sister and I do, also.

Surely every loving son feels that his father is special, but I knew that mine was unique and know that the emptiness left by his departure from my life is lessened by your kindness toward him as he prepared to leave.

We would all like to think that our jobs are important, that what we do for our living matters. Please know that in your case, though, this is not even remotely ambiguous. You have the ability to bring comfort and calm amidst the most discomforting and disturbing moments of life. Few of the rest of us could ever make such a boast.

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